Saturday, May 26, 2007

FireSafe Council Update

Assessments of individual properties have been completed with over two-thirds of Meadows residents participating. The Meadows FireSafe Council again reminds residents that these assessments are a separate effort from the brush clearance inspections conducted annually by the Forest Service or, as is the case on Canyon Dell, the LA County Fire Department.

The required environmental protection studies for the fire-safe project are continuing and must be completed before additional grant money will be released. Request for a three-month extension on the grant time limit is being considered.

Contractors will be contacted in June to obtain bids for mitigation of fire hazards in the Meadows area. While these contractors will be hired by the Fire-Safe Council for the fire safe project, they will probably be available to individual neighbors at reduced cost while they are in the area.

Anyone feeling they are wrongly penalized by their insurance provider because of differing standards regarding compliance with brush-clearing regulations can call the L.A. County Fire Department, who will inspect the property and issue a certificate of compliance if justified.

Anyone having complaints about brush clearance in vacant lots is invited to contact Debbie Humphreys, who is in charge of the County’s weed-abatement department. Telephone (626) 575-5732 or email to

The proposed town hall meeting, at which residents can get detailed updating on the fire-safe project and voice their own concerns or questions, has been postponed to July.

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