Saturday, December 23, 2006

Forest Access Upheld by Court

From the Star News, December 22, 2006

Altadena - The public's right to access the Angeles National Forest and the Own Brown gravesite using El Prieto Road was affirmed Wednesday by the California State Court of Appeals.

The appeals court upheld the ruling of a 2002 lawsuit brought by Save the Altadena Trails that sought to remove a gate that homeowners had erected to block the long-used roadway, which is on private property.

In July 2004, the court concluded that the public had a historical right to access the grave sight and the national forest using the road. It granted an easement for publich right-of-way and recreational purposes.

The defendants appealed the decision in June 2005, but the appeals court ruled Wednesday that the evidence amply supported the judgement.

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