Thursday, July 26, 2007

Meadows FireSafe Council Update

The biological study, dealing with plants and animals in the area covered by the FireSafe Council project, is ongoing and must be completed and shown to the Forest Service before any additional grant money will be released.

Bids for fuel reduction have been received, and are currently being considered and clarified. Since danger of erosion is compounded by our extremely dry summer, treatment of the steeper canyon walls is not envisioned at this time.

Any grant money remaining after paying the contractor(s) for fuel reduction will be used in reducing fire hazards within the Meadows proper. The property assessments performed earlier will play a significant role in determining which hazards are the worst and should therefore be prioritized for hazard abatement.

Street captains have made final attempts to contact residents who had not responded to our invitation for property assessments. This outreach is now finished, unless some homeowners need to be contacted regarding special hazards in strategic areas.

It should be noted that works performed by the Fire Safe Council do not relieve property owners of the obligation to perform hazard abatement procedures on their properties as may be required by inspectors of the Forest Service or, in the case of Canyon Dell residents, of Los Angeles County.

Our request for an extension of time to qualify for grant moneys has been approved.

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