Monday, December 10, 2007

MFSC Update

The Meadows FireSafe Council continues to move forward. We're in the proverbial "waiting for the check in the mail" phase.

After the presentation last month at the townhall meeting, residents whose properties were assessed received, or were sent in the mail, the findings of the assessments. We've received many responses within the deadline of the mailing and will concentrate on those responses.

After the vendor was secured for clearance of brush around the neighborhood, there was only so much money left to handle work within the neighborhood. The MFSC proposed that we use the remainder of the funds to remove trees within The Meadows that hinder access for emergency vehicles or are dead or diseased. As for trimming of trees and vegetation, there was not enough funds left over to handle that work too. So, it was recommended that the homeowner talk to the vendors to secure anticipated discounts.

We have until the end of February to use the grant funds. We're proceeding through some delays at the State level in obtaining the funds but have been assured that we'll receive them before the expiration of the grant.

Planning for next year is already underway. We can apply for another grant for 2008-2009. The plan would be to continue the brush clearance work along with expanding the work within The Meadows to include trimming and replacement of trees. If you're interested in participating, please let me know.

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