Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Meadows FireSafe Council Update

Much progress has been made over the summer on the Meadows FireSafe Council brush clearance plan.

The biological study, dealing with plants and animals in the area covered by the Fire Safe project, is ongoing and must be completed and shown to the Forest Service before any additional grant money will be released.

The request for an extension of time on the grant has been approved.

A vendor has been selected to begin clearing upwards of 30 acres in and around The Meadows starting in September.

The crews will begin working on three areas that pose the most risk to us should a fire start. All of the work will begin at the 200 foot mark beyond property owner’s houses. The area within 200 feet is the property owner’s responsibility. (Please note that works performed by the Fire Safe Council do not relieve property owners of the obligation to perform hazard abatement procedures on their properties as may be required by inspectors of the Forest Service or, in the case of Canyon Dell residents, of Los Angeles County.)

The first is 16 acres in the northeast area above The Meadows. The potential for Santa Ana winds fanning a fire makes this a severe fire-prone area.

The second section is 4.5 acres that reaches into The Meadows behind the homes on the west side of Risinghill and above the Canyon Crest cul-de-sac. This increasingly steep area makes for tough brush clearance.

The third area is 6.5 acres on the east side of Risinghill above Millard Canyon.

In all areas, crews will come in to reduce the brush using chainsaws and creating a mulch-like consistency that will help prevent erosion. They’ll also prune up any larger trees and bushes.

Once this work is completed and with the funds that remain, the FireSafe Council will identify the top priorities for reducing fire risk within the neighborhood. Thanks to all who participated in the assessments, we have quite a list of items to consider. As an example, it could be removing or trimming trees that impede access for fire and rescue vehicles into the neighborhood. We may also identify the highest fire-prone trees or vegetation that needs to be reduced or removed.

On another note, the FireSafe Council will receive an additional $2,500 grant from Farmer’s Insurance to assist senior or disabled residents with brush clearance. If you know of someone in need of this assistance, please contact Greg at (626) 791-1011.

The FireSafe Council continues to make excellent progress in making our community fire-safe.

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