Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mountain Lion on Risinghill Canyon Side

A neighbor just reported that a mountain lion was seen this afternoon on the hill of the canyon on the Risinghill side. Please take caution.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

National Night Out

National Night Out Tues., Aug. 5, @ Loma Alta Equestrian Center

Just received from the Altadena Sheriff's Station:
National Night Out is an event designed to strengthen our communities by encouraging neighbors to engage in stronger relationships with each other and with their local law enforcement partners. The goal is to heighten crime-prevention awareness, build support and participation in local anti-crime programs and most importantly, send a message that our neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. It’s also the perfect opportunity to get to know your neighbors even better. All are invited -- see you there.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 5-10 PM
Loma Alta Park Equestrian Center

Altadena Sheriff’s Station Posse and Altadena Mountain Rescue Team are scheduled to have static displays for youth. Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Watch information will be available to the public. Free giveaways for children will be available.

A new one of a kind mobile interactive educational bus that will highlight the SHARE (Stop Hate and Respect Everyone) Tolerance program for fighting hate and intolerance in our communities will be displayed.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Final MSFC Report for 2006 Grant

Can you believe the grant we worked with this year was given to us in 2006? Here's a final recap of the work performed in The Meadows these past few months.

The Meadows FireSafe Council worked with two different vendors to complete our fuel reduction project. The first part of the project was fuel reduction in 26 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the 240 homes in the Meadows community. This work entailed the use of hand
crews to trim up bushes, clear brush, and cut down dead tree limbs.

The second part of the project took place within the developed land as 39 homes were identified as having trees that would pose a risk to the community in the event of a fire. The second vendor removed 72 trees of various sizes. These trees were selected using a criteria of those preventing access for fire department vehicles, dead and diseased trees, and fire−prone trees.

Lincoln Ave Water has completed their yearly brush clearance.

Captain Don Edwards of Camp 2 of LACoFD removed dead trees, skirted up live trees and removed three other trees to reduce fire risk to the homes in the Meadows.

Our dedicated group of volunteers continued to meet monthly and provide education to the community on the MFSC activities by handing out fliers and posting signs around the neighborhood. FSC members have also coordinated and supervised the work crews on a daily basis. In all, this portion of the project took approximately 9 weeks to complete with workers here in The Meadows daily.

We heard from many neighbors asking about tree trimming and further assessments. Since the grant funds were finite, the MFSC focused on the removal of trees as being the best use of the funds.

A new grant has been awarded to the MFSC for TWICE as much as the 2006 grant! We expect this new project will begin in late 2008 at the earliest. It's difficult to give a specific date as grant monies are metered out as they are received by the larger California FireSafe Council.

It is expected that we will continue to perform brush clearance, tree removal and hopefully tree trimming. In addition, an alert system has been built into the new grant budget. We will explore setting up a system in which neighbors can be called, emailed, texted, etc. in the event of an emergency.

Stay tuned for more news on this exciting next step. We continue to welcome more volunteers to the Meadows FireSafe Council and more involvement of our neighborhood.

Wood Chips

If you need wood chips for your garden, there's plenty to be had at the top of Risinghill Road. There are several mounds of wood chips from our tree removal efforts here in The Meadows. Wood chips are great in gardens to retain moisture during our hotter Summer months.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lilies of the Canyon

Here's some pics of lovely Humboldt lilies growing in El Prieto canyon sent in from a neighbor.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Canyon Crest Road Clearance

The LA County Agricultural Commissioners Office, Weed Abatement is having the County Road Department do the road clearance on Canyon Crest Road. They're doing a great job.

Suspicious Characters

Our neighbor at the very top of Risinghill reported that a car with three 20-somethings may have been looking for a house to burglarize.

His ever-vigilante tenant, happened to be walking her dog last week when she noticed a car parked up by the yellow gate leading to the trails. Three 20-something guys were slinking down, obviously not wanting to be seen, but apparently casing his house. The tenant hesitated and then announced boldly, "You guys can wait for the cops to get here or leave now."

They immediately started the car and drove away. The tenant said to them as they passed her, “I have your license number.” She called the police and reported all the details.

The car is a black, late 90’s or early 2000’s Toyota Forerunner. License plate is a yellow New Mexico license plate with number 903-NSR. The driver was white, his two passengers were African-American.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Please, No Fireworks

The Meadows FireSafe Council has posted "No Fireworks" signs around the neighborhood.

Obviously, we can't risk any chance of fire given this hot, dry season. A couple of years ago, a neighbor did set off bottle rockets in the neighborhood. Please talk to your neighbors about the importance of not setting off any fireworks this Independence Day weekend.

Mail Stolen from Mailbox

A neighbor on Risinghill had their outgoing mail stolen Tuesday morning, July 1, from their mailbox. It happened between 7:30 am and 9:00 am. When another neighbor passed their mailbox this morning on the way into their driveway, she noticed the flag was up and the door was open. Inside was a torn, open gardening bill for someone else in La Canada from an Altadena address. She notified the homeowner. They had put a DVD and 2 more pieces of mail, one with a check. They were all gone!

This has been reported to the Post Office Inspections Dept. and Altadena PO and carrier. The Sheriff was called as well but they said they don't handle this and told the neighbor to call PO who have a special dept for this.